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Lake Placid Police

"Ready to Protect...
Proud to Serve"

The Lake Placid Police Department will issue either Permanent or Temporary Handicap Permits to Residents of the Village of Lake Placid. If you reside in the Town of North Elba you must obtain your permit through the North Elba Town Clerks Office at 2693 Main St. Suite 101, Lake Placid, NY 12946. The following is information from NYS Department of Motor Vehicle for qualifications for Handicap Permits.
Definition of Severely Disabled Person:
A “severely disabled person” is an individual with one or more of the following impairments, disabilities or conditions, which affect mobility and are PERMANENT in nature:
Limited or no use of one or both legs;
A neuromuscular dysfunction which severely limits mobility;
Another physical or mental condition not included above which constitutes an equal degree of disability. The disability prevents the person from getting around without great difficulty, and is of such a nature as to impose unusual hardship in using public transportation facilities.
Temporary Permits:
Temporary permits can be issued to any person who is unable to ambulate without the aid of an assisting device, as certified by physician. These devices include; wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, canes, prostheses, portable oxygen or others.
There are two ways to obtain an Application:
Click here and print online form or
Pick up a form from us at 2693 Main St. Suite 104, Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm.
Once you have obtained the application, bring it to your physician to fill out and return the completed copy to us.
You do not have to have a New York State Drivers License to obtain a Handicapped Parking Permit. If you do have a valid New York State Drivers License, please bring it with you when you apply for your permit. Most permits will be issued to you on the same day once your application is completed.
We issue only 1 permit per application, as the permit is transferable from car to car, as long as the Handicapped person is in the vehicle. The Lake Placid Police Department has the authority to revoke a Parking Permit based on evidence of abuse by any person, facility or agency to whom the permit has been issued.