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Lake Placid Police

"Ready to Protect...
Proud to Serve"
Pay for Parking usingÂ
Pay Parking Tickets Online
Pay Parking Tickets by Mail
Payment must be made by Check or Money Order (in US funds only). Write your Ticket number and Plate number on the front of your payment to ensure proper credit.
Pay and Mail to:
Lake Placid Village Court
2693 Main Street
Lake Placid, NY 12946
You must enter a plea of Guilty or Not Guilty by the court appearance date on your ticket. You may avoid appearance in the court by pleading guilty and paying the prescribed fine. If you wish to appear in court on your prescribed date, the court begins at 10:00am. Â
Main Street Parking Ban
Overnight parking is prohibited every night on Main Street for cleaning.
The hours of restriction are 2:00am-6:00am on all of Main Street.
Winter Parking Ban
The all-night parking ban for the Winter Season goes into effect from November 1st - April 30th
The hours of restriction are 2:00am-6:00am on all Village Streets.
Parking Lot Bans
Some designated village parking lots have their own parking bans. Motorists should read the signs at the entrance of the
parking lot that they intend to use before actually parking and see if a restriction applies.
The following parking lots prohibit overnight parking:
Sunday Night - Main St. Municipal Parking Lot.
The lower Main St. parking lot next to Stewarts (Stewarts side).
Monday Night - Upper NBT Parking Lot.
Wednesday Night - Texaco Parking Lot next to Marcy Rd.
The lower Main St. parking lot next to Stewarts (High Peaks Cyclery side)
Thursday Night - Lower NBT Parking Lot.
The following parking lot prohibits parking from 8:00pm until 6:00am Nightly
Searle Lane - Searle Lane has 29 Municipal Parking spaces along it's side (located next to The Hampton Inn & Suites).
The municipal parking lot located on Main St. in between Stewarts Shop and The High Peaks Cyclery has split overnight restrictions. The front is closed on a different night than the rear. Make sure to check your side before parking overnight.
Official signs are posted in various locations within the village that designate an area as a Permit Parking Area. No person shall park any vehicle in any of the permit parking spaces without having a valid parking permit sticker issued by the Lake Placid Police Department. Permits can be obtained in online forms.
** A Receipt/Voucher obtained from a parking meter pay station is NOT a permit to park in a permit area.
This ordinance will be strictly enforced and violators will be ticketed.
**The Police Department has the authority to remove any and all vehicles that are parked or abandoned during snowstorms, snow removal and other emergencies.